The property refers to two residential adjacent fields in Sotira. The fields are located south of Paralimni Lake and 250m from Sotira – Deryneia road. Field with reg. no. 0/1910 (share of 30.47%) has a total land area of 4,041sqm. The corresponding area of the share is approximately 1,231sqm. The property falls within the Geological Zone 01. In this Zone, a geological/geotechnical survey is required for all developments/buildings/constructions/additions. This research is prepared by a geologist, a member of ETEK.
Field with reg. no. 0/1843 has a land area of 3,994sqm. Part of the property, 1,700sqm, falls within Geological Zone 01. The remaining 2,294sqm fall within Geological Zone OOA (Zone with increased risk) in which new construction or addition is not recommended.
The property offers close proximity to all amenities and easy access to the main road to Paralimni.